Recrutement Technologique CDI
Conseil technologies
L'équipe de conseil en technologies & en recrutement CDI de Next Ventures propose une offre de service technologie aux entreprises sans égal. Nos consultants se spécialisent individuellement dans une technologie particulière (conseil technologies) et sur une zone géographique de recrutement en technologie spécifique.
Conseil technologies & qualité
Notre principal différenciateur sur le marché réside dans la qualité de notre offre plutôt que de viser la quantité.
Cette approche qualité du recrutement technologique permanent/CDI permet à nos clients de gagner un temps considérable dans le processus de sélection et lors des entretiens, ce qui leur permet de résoudre efficacement leurs défis de recrutement.
Agence de Recrutement Technologies d’Entreprise
Les clients ayant un besoin en contrats permanents reviennent quasi systématiquement car ils savent qu’ils peuvent compter sur nous pour leur conseil en technologies, une agence de recrutement de premier plan, qui fournit les talents les plus soigneusement qualifiés pour leurs besoins en personnel.
Agence de conseil technologies
En tant qu'agence de recrutement informatique spécialisée, nous sommes fiers du pourcentage élevé d'entreprises fidèles à nos services, et ce de longue date, qui sont également les soutiens de Next Ventures.
Next Ventures propose des services de recrutement technologique sur une base contingente, exclusive et en avance sur honoraire à partir de notre siège social de Londres ou de nos filiales internationales.
Recrutement en interim et CDD
Next Ventures fournit des conseils en recrutement technologique, nous offrons des talents spécialisés et une expertise approfondie à nos clients, de véritables experts en technologie d'entreprise à l'échelle mondiale.
En s'approvisionnant dans de bassins de talents locaux et internationaux, notre expertise en tant qu’agence de recrutement intérim et contractuel spécialisée dans les technologies IT nous donne une capacité unique pour trouver les talents les plus spécialisés et les plus demandés.
Notre capacité à fournir des ressources dans les délais et dans les limites du budget, renforce la raison pour laquelle Next Ventures est devenu un partenaire de recrutement technologique de choix pour de nombreuses entreprises.
Conseil en Technologies d’Entreprise
Notre vaste expertise internationale combinée à nos bureaux établis dans le monde entier ainsi qu’à nos licences suisses Seco et allemandes AUG prouvent que nous pouvons fournir des services de conseil et de recrutement en technologie d'entreprise, intérimaires et contractuels, de manière conforme partout dans le monde.
Besoin d'experts en technologie d'entreprise ? Contactez-nous aujourd'hui pour discuter des services de recrutement d'entreprise.
Engaging with Next Ventures, the whole recruitment process from the first contact to the introduction of candidates for an open position was smooth and very fast. I found their proactive and highly consultative approach helpful and very effective. Getting two really good candidates that fitted our job requirement perfectly, within just two weeks and to be able to secure one of them in just 5 days is unbelievable.
We are looking forward to working with Next Ventures in the very near future again and would highly recommend their service.
Kira Schirl COO, trbo GmbH
I engaged Next ventures to leverage their reach within the SAP resource pool to attract and supply both resources that had S4HANA experience or had a real drive to move into a business that was ahead of the curve and was driving the rollout of SAP S/4 to deliver business benefits across the group as part of the long term strategy. Next Ventures provided expert SAP consultants to support the finance and logistics teams across the full life-cycle of the project. I would wholeheartedly recommend their services.
Trevor Barrett, Competence Manager at Nobia
Read Case Study Here
Next Ventures have been supporting my business growth for more than two years when I decided to create my own structure, dedicated to CRM and MKT advisory. Because of their in depth understanding of the Salesforce ecosystem and their strong workload capacity I’ve asked their support during that particular sensible phase. They always deliver a recruitment process for Consultants in a very professional manner.
Benoist BAZZARA, President at Devoteam Customer Effectiveness
Next Ventures has worked with us on an array of consulting roles from both junior to very senior roles, more directly with me for over 2 years. Without hesitation I can say that they have continuously supplied us with an extremely high calibre of candidates that have very often resulted in great hires for the firm which are noted by Partners.
A few of the things that matter to Deloitte are; finding the correct culture fit, managing our brand as a third party and following processes well, which I can wholeheartedly say Next Ventures have done while working with us. All of their consultants are extremely professional while still maintaining a great friendly approach. As a result of the great service I personally have received, I have recommended Next Ventures to other areas of Deloitte and to others in the recruitment space.
They are keen to learn how a business works and take a genuine interest in their candidates’ future, which is a winning combination resulting in happy candidates and happy clients! Next Ventures are a pleasure to work with and I look forward to the ongoing relationship in the future.
ThanksLaura O’Callaghan, Deloitte
When I am within our organization, Next Ventures are the first I turn to. We relied on Next Ventures earlier this year to make a critical hire within our business for an ERP Manager. This role was immensely important as the person would be overseeing our whole Dynamics AX implementation. As a family owned business, we take our corporate culture very seriously, and this weighs heavily on our decision making process. Next Ventures was able to understand the unique cultural characteristics of our organization while also identifying a candidate with the technical expertise needed for our highly customized system. Although there are many recruiters and agencies out there, for us, it is imperative that we work with someone who treats our business as if it were their own, and working with Next Ventures is a no brainer.
Stuart Hill, CIO of Dunlap